Driven partridge shooting
Driven partridge shooting has been held in Fresnedas Altas for more than 100 years. A long tradition of what we consider the greatest advocate of small game hunting. Driven partridge shooting is something special, the work carried out between shooters, beaters, secretaries, loaders, riders and retriever dogs all in perfect organization manage to carry out something unique in Spain.
And enjoying this hunting spectacle has a privileged place, and this place is Fresnedas Altas.
Driven partridge shooting in Fresnedas Altas has something special, a welcoming atmosphere that is not found anywhere else. Our way of organizing hunts has not changed over time. We maintain the same traditions of the past. The partridge here are strong like no other, with fast and determined flight. The loaders and secretaries have extensive experience, and the beaters are ready to take orders to beat the field and take the partridge to the line of pegs. A great show. The use of horses in partridge drive shooting is not frequent, it is an ancient tradition. The function of the rider and his horse to move the partridges is definitive in the organization of the hunt in Fresnedas Altas.